Thinking Math@TheCulture #6
Thinking@TheCulture is a series of questions that we, as tutors feel that are useful in helping students think and improve their understanding. Thinking Math@TheCulture is curated by KS. More of [...]
Thinking@TheCulture is a series of questions that we, as tutors feel that are useful in helping students think and improve their understanding. Thinking Math@TheCulture is curated by KS. More of [...]
All solutions here are SUGGESTED. KS will hold no liability for any errors. Comments are entirely personal opinions. As these workings and answers are rushed out asap, please pardon me for my [...]
All solutions here are SUGGESTED. KS will hold no liability for any errors. Comments are entirely personal opinions. Numerical Answers (click the questions for workings/explanation) Question 1: [...]
All solutions here are SUGGESTED. KS will hold no liability for any errors. Comments are entirely personal opinions. Thoughts about Paper 2. Numerical Answers (click the questions for [...]
ACJC P2 Q3 The function g is defined by (ii) Explain why the composite function exist. (iii) Sketch the graph of .
VJC P1 Q9 (i) Sketch the graph with equation , where and A hemispherical bowl of fixed radius cm is filled with water. Water drains out from a hole at the bottom of the bowl at a constant rate. [...]
HCI P1 Q5 Sketch on a single Argand diagram, the loci defined by and (i) Find the minimum value of (ii) Find the minimum value of (iii) Given that , state the minimum value of
NYJC P1 Q4 Referred to the origin , the points A and B have position vectors a and b respectively. A point C is such that OACB forms a parallelogram. Given that M is the mid-point of AC, find the [...]
So the Midyear results are all out and Prelims are known to be in 4-5 weeks’ time. Many students are frantically searching for help and attempting to salvage their results. We are sorry to [...]
Here is a very very interesting question involving probability that a student saw in her tutorial and asked me. Here it is 🙂 A student is concerned about her car and does not like dents. When she [...]