A J1 (Junior College Year 1) recently told me she was very impressed by what I did for her Mid years. Lets rewind a bit. Many J1s actually was worried about Mid years and wanted to have extra [...]
Many parents call me and ask if their A-level kids need H2 Math tuition. Through the years, I’ve seen mainly three types of students: A: Students that are diligent but do not do well, and [...]
The one thing many students overlook in A-level is Time. A lot of students I see lack the ability to finish the full paper on time, that is, in 2.5h, not 3h. We all need to check on the [...]
A couple of weeks ago, I met up with friend of mine who is still teaching in a renowned JC. He was lamenting how students today don’t study for the sake of learning. So I thought of sharing [...]