Solutions to the modified A’levels Questions
Students of mine who have been diligently doing the modified TYS I sent them, and have difficulties with the questions that were added in to make the paper a full 3 hour paper, will find the [...]
Students of mine who have been diligently doing the modified TYS I sent them, and have difficulties with the questions that were added in to make the paper a full 3 hour paper, will find the [...]
Below is a list of questions that students should take note of! The questions are not there due to copyright issues. But linked are the suggested solutions by KS. 🙂 2016 P1: 3, 10, 11 2016 P2: 4b [...]
All of us from theculture.sg would like to wish all the readers or ex-students the best of luck to the release of A’levels results 2015! Enjoy the open houses and do read up a bit on all [...]
It is FINALLY here! The day that students have been patiently expecting is fixed on 4 March 2016, a week from now. Link All the best too all the readers and my students for your results! A food [...]
For those of you who just completed your GCE O Level Chemistry (5073) Paper 1, here are the suggested answers for the 40 MCQ questions. The paper was relatively straightforward so I hope that [...]
Congratulations on the completion of A’levels for the 2015 batch! As for those who still, are taking A’levels 2016, we hope you find this site helpful. Read the comments (ignore the [...]
As predicted correctly, this year’s paper has a fair mix of topics that we have proudly identified for students! We have kindly highlighted the questions whose topic we have correctly [...]
After Christine shared what will likely pop up in the upcoming H1 GP paper, I thought I can share some thoughts too. Just to clarify, I am not spotting as I never believe in spotting for a [...]
Dear students, as we all know, you have currently less than 2 weeks to D-day (ok, just kidding, your GP paper). As most of you are stressing out over what to study, how to study for this [...]