In times of economic hardship, should a country still be expected to provide financial or material aid to others?
Students are expected to address the criteria of this question throughout the essay; it being in times of economic hardship. For a quality essay, the terms “should” and [...]
Singapore Inclusive Policies- A reflection
“An Inclusive Society, A Stronger Singapore” Budget Plan 2012-2016: fulfilled promises, financial burden and new directions In 2012, the Singapore government introduced a 5-year budget plan [...]
Things to note for 9758 H2 Mathematics
It has been awhile since the A’levels. We talked and met up with several of our students. Some students are working and some are preparing their Personal Statements for overseas University [...]
Release of A’levels Results 2016
For students who took A’levels in 2016, please note that information for the release of A’levels Results 2016 can be found in the following! Release of A’levels 2016 Grade [...]
Checklist for Vectors
Many schools have been doing vectors recently. Thought I’ll share a little summary/ checklist I have done for my students. Basic Concepts Operations on Vectors Addition & Subtraction [...]
“In your society, do the arts merit the vast sums of money spent on it?”
Between the 1960s and 1990s, there has been a strong perception that the arts were an abstract waste of time. More focus was invested on STEM – science, technology, engineering and mathematics – [...]