Its been awhile since we last posted. And it is good to know that JC1s have all been well inducted or settled into their schools. Of course, I do hear that many schools are severely overcrowded recently. Anyway, I thought of sharing how students can get ready for JC. I contemplated sharing how to cope with JC Mathematics, but decided to be more general this time round.
Firstly, JC life can be quite rigorous. With CCA and different subject commitments piling, students must try their best to stay healthy (get enough sleep) and juggle time (skip some dramas) efficiently. For science subjects (not just H2 Mathematics), students should avoid procrastinating. The schools do not go back to teaching the subjects again, maybe just refresh using questions or tests. Thus, seek help if you need and do not just sweep it off. For J1, your A’levels is pretty much in 22 months while for J2, it is 10 months. So the clock started ticking.
Secondly, last year’s papers were intuitive and some questions were driven to see if students do understand their content and can think on their feet. And we have a name for such questions, it is application questions. For H2 Mathematics, they have made an effort to allocate about 25% of the total marks to application questions. Thus, students need to shift their focus from doing to learning. It is important for them to appreciate the concepts in each topic.
Thirdly, I understand some students enter JC and realise that there are really some (or a lot of) smarter peers around. Do not feel pressured and just stay focus. Some of them might have found help, or developed better intuition for certain things. Comparing with your neighbour will only make yourself more stressed. This is unnecessary stress.
Lastly, JC is the last “school” you have. So do enjoy yourself. Pick a CCA that you really want to try. 🙂
Since Mr Teng teaches H2 Mathematics, here are some little tips for H2 Mathematics as I told my J1s this year.
- Some topics from High School are still very relevant, which is why I gave a proper review test. These topics are considered under assumed knowledge for H2 Mathematics, and you can find them here. A good understanding of these topics will allow you to follow classes better. You will learn that schools are constantly rushing to clear topics.
Learn the topics. You do not need to master them, but learn and find out what is going on. Because you can memorise the entire Ten Years Series and realise that it will not save you.
You will learn that time is very precious during exams. In general, 1 mark is 1.5 mins. And you should not go beyond it for questions. Rather learn the hard way to time manage well during exams, start with your normal practices at home. Thats why I encourage my students in class to do fast. Your papers will be two 3-hour papers, so during that 3-hour, you must exhibit sufficient tenacity.
P.S. I’ve spent the last few months getting a lot of application questions up. Aside from sharing them with students in my classes, I’ll also put them here. So do check in. 🙂
Happy CNY!