This page contains all questions and answers asked by students from this class. The most recent questions will be at the top.
Vectors Q7 [Homework]
Using ratio theorem,
Since is perpendicular to
To be a parallelogram,
— (1)
— (2)
Vectors Q8 [Homework]
Let R be the top of the vertical pillar,
Since R is collinear with A and C, R is the intersection of line AC and QR.
, and the height is 9m.
Vectors Q9 [Homework]
Normal of
Let be the acute angle
— (1)
— (2)
Using GC,
Let be the normal of
Length of projection
Required distance
Let normal of
If intersect at l,n
lies on
[…] Math Sat 130pm H2 Math Sat 330pm H2 Math Sun 930am H2 Math Sun 1130am H2 Math Sun 2pm H2 Math Mon 2pm H2 Math Mon 430pm H2 Math Mon 730pm H2 Math Tue […]