ACJC Prelims paper 1 2017
ACJC 2017 H1 General Paper 8807 Prelim Paper 1 To what extent does education prepare the young for a world that is constantly changing? ‘Science imparts knowledge but not wisdom.’ Do you agree? [...]
ACJC 2017 H1 General Paper 8807 Prelim Paper 1 To what extent does education prepare the young for a world that is constantly changing? ‘Science imparts knowledge but not wisdom.’ Do you agree? [...]
Today, I’ll share a little something about Integration by Parts. I want to share this because I observe that several students are over-reliant on the LIATE to perform Integration by Parts. [...]
Last year, I shared a handful of random interesting questions from the 2016 Prelims. Students feedback that they were quite helpful and gave them good exposure. I thought I share some that [...]
So many students have been asking for more practice. I’ll put up all the Prelim Papers for 2016 here. Do note that the syllabus is 9740 so students should practice discretion and skip [...]
This is a past year question that has been adapted from HCI. Pretty interesting topic… Let’s see how to unpack this question together… This question assumes that population [...]
Came across this question in class which stumps a lot of my students in answering this… It seems so contradictory right… to be humble in our modern day? Ok let’s see what are [...]
Thinking@TheCulture is a series of questions that we, as tutors feel that are useful in helping students think and improve their understanding. Thinking Math@TheCulture is curated by KS. More of [...]
University is starting for some students who took A’levels in 2016. And, one of my ex-students told me to share/ summarise the things to know for probability at University level. Hopefully [...]
This post is a continuation of the previous blog post where we would examine the situation of youth unemployment in developed nations. But first let us understand a little bit of context of how [...]
Recently I have been hooked on this youtube video: What caught me in my tracks was the lyrics of the song, other than the composition of the song. The lyrics go like this, “Who could bring [...]