KS’ thoughts on H2 Math 2015
After Christine shared what will likely pop up in the upcoming H1 GP paper, I thought I can share some thoughts too. Just to clarify, I am not spotting as I never believe in spotting for a [...]
After Christine shared what will likely pop up in the upcoming H1 GP paper, I thought I can share some thoughts too. Just to clarify, I am not spotting as I never believe in spotting for a [...]
As some of my closer students know, my brother is a web developer (I think that is the best I can do to introduce his job). And yes, you might have guessed that he is also the creator of this [...]
Try this question! Hint: Simplify it first! 🙂 Arithmetic Problem #7 Arithmetic Problem #6 Arithmetic Problem #5 Arithmetic Problem #4 Arithmetic Problem #3 Arithmetic Problem #2 Arithmetic Problem #1
Dear students, as we all know, you have currently less than 2 weeks to D-day (ok, just kidding, your GP paper). As most of you are stressing out over what to study, how to study for this [...]
Past couple of weeks, I’ve been really busy with preparation for A-levels. Over the weekends, I had enough time to spare to read up a bit on object-oriented programming while doing my [...]
Saw this question on the internet and thought its rather interesting. A-levels students should be all buried other their workload, amidst the mock papers and ten year series. Hopefully this might [...]
Some of you will probably hear of this two terms and wonder what’s the difference. Both of them are a statistical approach/ inference method. Personally, I am a Bayesian and use more of [...]
All solutions here are SUGGESTED. Mr. Teng will hold no liability for any errors. Comments are entirely personal opinions. (i) Let be the population mean time taken to install an electronic [...]
All solutions here are SUGGESTED. Mr. Teng will hold no liability for any errors. Comments are entirely personal opinions. (i) (ii) Since r is an integer, KS Comments: (ii) is honestly not easy. [...]
As the Promotional Examination Results are all released gradually for most schools, a few Year 5 students have came up to me to ask about H3 subjects. I can’t really comment for other [...]